Conservation, Tourism, Development Course

University of Miami School of Law offers a jointly listed course with the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science and with the Latin American Studies Program. This is a unique class on coastal management that takes students to different countries throughout the world.

About the Course

In the spring semeter, Miami Law offers the course, "Conservation, Tourism, and Development." The course meets weekly throughout the semester in Miami to discuss background readings and develop research field projects that participants then carry out during a Spring Break trip to various travel sites. Upon return to the University of Miami, the class prepares manuscripts and presentations based on the field data that course participants have collected during the trip. (Reminder: All Travel courses are subject to change, and may not be offered each spring semester. Please contact the instructor with questions.)

Sampling of Past Research Sites

Chiloé Island, Chile

This is the second largest island in Chile and is located in southern Chile in the Los Lagos Region. The course explored its physical geography, culture, legal framework and institutions, and tourism-­-development-­- aquaculture conflicts. In addition, the course examined different methodologies for diagnosing the site's socioeconomic, governance, and environmental characteristics. Read story about this course in 2023.

Valle de Cauca, Colombia

This class was organized in collaboration with the Law Program at the Pontíficia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) in Cali. Seminars, discussions, and field trips examined the strategic development of Colombian ports (particularly the Colombia's principal Pacific port of Buenaventura); port structure, management, and institutionality; and environmental and social issues related to port development and expansion. The course also used the Uramba Bahía Málaga National Natural Park (Parque Nacional Natural Uramba Bahía Málaga) as a case study to examine park management and conflict resolution. Read story about this course in  2019

Bocas del Toro, Panama 

For this location the coursed focused on environmental planning in a relatively pristine coastal region of Panama that is experiencing rapid tourism development. Additionally, the class spent three days in Panama City visiting numerous controversial coastal development sites. During the week visit to Bocas del Toro the class had discussions and presentations by local experts in topics relevant to the course (marine resources in Bocas del Toro, organization and problems of the artisanal fishing communities, development of the municipal land use plan, activities of Environmental Groups in Bocas del Toro, management of the Bastimentos Island National Marine Park, sea turtle conservation in Bocas del Toro, among others). Read story about this course in 2013.

Panama Canal, Panama

For this location, students visited the Panama Canal locks learned about watershed management. They also learned about the challenge to provide enough drinking water for Panamanians from Lake Alajuela, which feeds water into the Panama Canal, while also keeping up with the ship traffic through this major trade route. The class also spoke with environmental groups about the deforestation of its mangroves as part of the explosive growth of Panama City. Read story about this course in 2024.


For More Information

Questions about the course should be directed to Professor Daniel Suman.
